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Welcome, we've been expecting you. You are here for one simple reason:

Find a way out of the Matrix and become more financially independent in this corrupted system.

As you've probably recognized, Morpheus was right. You are a slave, living in a world where the rich get richer while everyone else get poorer. And especially since 2020 the madness is on a completely new level with the corona hoax orchestrated by exactly the same psychopaths.

So what about the 99%? You probably have two or more jobs trying to survive in this so called "free world". Or maybe you're a graduate with high credit depts and/or just in search of a job with an average annual salary of $35.000.

We could go on like this any longer, but we think you all have understood how the world works.

Now it’s time to introduce ourselves.

We are a small but very well-connected group of hackers who are living beside this corrupted system and who want to bring a little more "independence" to people, who really want to become free.

And yes, we are stealing Login-data from people. This is exactly what we are doing.

For us, it's some kind of 21st Century Robin Hood work, because the cryptocurrency wallets we are hacking have an average balance of more than 10.000$ and the owners are mostly not part of the people, which we are trying to help.

If you want to judge us, leave this page but if you agree with us and what we are doing, keep on reading.

It’s finally up to you, how you want to live in this world. Rather die standing than live kneeling in a world with just one main rule: Survival of the fittest.

Below you can find our daily updated hacked BTC wallets list. If you want to make a reservation just press the "Buy it now" button and follow the walkthrough.

W-ID Crypto Currency Wallet Address IP Location Balance Price
#18334 Bitcoin 1LzZXoN92t7XAax4eboDu************ 189.101.133.*** 2,10681279 0,61067037 Reserved
#55600 Bitcoin 1PQFKuM9t7xbnfpRADP9k************ 18.110.239.** 0,54953749 0,15928623 Reserved
#22401 Bitcoin bc1q3tvp9ku2mt8eawdcr************ 188.77.105.*** 4,61704456 0,92340891 Members only
#81495 Bitcoin 36e6Zedfj1kUhkV2z91uh************ 241.39.31.** 1,00000000 0,28985507 Reserved
#66955 Bitcoin 1D93zSZxWu8bfjNr*****KKF************ 89.31.101.*** 0,92550010 0,18510002 Members only
#89991 Bitcoin 3NjKAhNpVCr15ABufXS42************ 97.205.66.*** 1,82473330 0,52890821 Reserved
#49156 Bitcoin 1PMCEBCd6ohyHSozcFvAu************ 1.3.9.** 0,46734063 0,13546105 Reserved
#10001 Bitcoin bc1q9xt877vseptlpcwq6************ 215.113.89.** 2,12005000 0,42401000 Members only
#00033 Bitcoin bc1qws8yeyfxzykuq7tev************ 88.192.3.* 1,71442324 0,49693427 Reserved
#80012 Bitcoin 3QiETomgUhPu573ZvhXbd************ 8.8.55.*** 24,5917777 4,91835554 Members only
#34401 Bitcoin 33LBzCruVw1d88HGc9aYT************ 35.189.234.* 1,39566005 0,40453911 Reserved
#29750 Bitcoin 3C3tbQSUGkhEZJVzQ1ZKL************ 19.170.123.*** 0,94500005 0,27391305 Reserved
#57500 Bitcoin 3JWoBwdGf1TnLjtJ9JxA1************ 189.167.65.* 0,69578500 0,20167681 Reserved
#30112 Bitcoin 36ZU7uMocoTbtrHgV7m26************ 45.149.30.*** 1,76390012 0,51127536 Reserved
#33877 Bitcoin bc1qxk5cgyf9qfsd72sjn************ 189.79.71.** 0,68879851 0,19711014 Reserved
#11667 Bitcoin 18G7uWj21oqifAMCEqLwK************ 41.199.222.* 14,38336254 4,16927536 Reserved